Research Organization of Open Innovation & Collaboration Research Center for Cognitive Sciences, Ritsumeikan University Academic Staff
No. Name Department / Course Title / Position Specialization Areas
1 College of Letters
Language and Communication Program
Professor Linguistics, Cognitive Science, Intelligent informatics
2 Graduate School of Language Education and Information Science
Professor Linguistics, Foreign Language Education, Cognitive science, Brain biometrics
3 College of Letters
Language and Communication Program
Professor Intelligent Informatics, Linguistics
4 College of Comprehensive Psychology
Department of Comprehensive Psychology
Professor Cognitive Science, Experimental Psycology
5 College of Comprehensive Psychology
Department of Comprehensive Psychology
Professor Cognitive Science, Human interface and interaction, Intelligent informatics, Web informatics, Service informatics, Learning support system, Educational Technology, Social Psychology, Experimental Psychology
6 Research Organization of Open Innovation & Collaboration
Professor Experimental Psycology
7 College of Information Science and Engineering
Department of Information Science and Engineering
Professor Software
8 College of Comprehensive Psychology
Department of Comprehensive Psychology
Professor Educational Psychology
9 College of Gastronomy Management
Department of Gastronomy Management
Professor Experimental psychology, Cognitive science, Perceptual information processing, Eating habits, Social psychology
10 College of Information Science and Engineering
Department of Information Science and Engineering
Associate Professor Cognitive science, Human interface and interaction