Specialization Areas : Design
No. Name Department / Course Title / Position Specialization Areas
1 College of Business Administration
Department of Business Administration
Professor Design science, Management
2 College of Information Science and Engineering
Department of Information Science and Engineering
Professor Intelligent informatics, Human interface and interaction, Design science
3 Graduate School of Technology Management
Professor Design science, Social systems engineering/Safety system, Management
4 Graduate School of Technology Management
Professor Design science, Social systems engineering/Safety system, Management
5 College of Business Administration
Department of Business Administration
Professor Design science, Management
6 College of Global Liberal Arts
Department of Global Liberal Arts
Associate Professor Cognitive science, Human interface and interaction, Design science, Aesthetics and studies on art
7 College of Image Arts and Sciences
Department of Image Arts and Sciences
Associate Professor Human interface and interaction, Web informatics, Service informatics, Library and information science/ Humanistic social informatics, Design science, Data science, Infographics